Apply for the MBTA Communities Zoning Working Group
The Town of Andover Massachusetts seeks residents to help create Andover's MBTA Communities district. Participants will conduct outreach to the community to determine district location(s) and form, analyze feedback from the community and identify ways to achieve compliance with MGL Ch. 40A, Section 3.
Apply now!
The MBTA Communities Zoning Law in Andover
The new MBTA Communities Zoning law in Massachusetts and what it means for Andover.
ACT Supports Sustainability Resolution
We endorse the Sustainability Resolution and look forward to developing priorities that drive measures that support sustainability for our community. Read more about our support and this important resolution for Andover.
Your Voice for Andover’s Future
Now is your chance to provide input to create a livable, affordable Andover for years to come. On Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 7 p.m. at Memorial Hall Library there will be a Development Workshop with the Andover Master Planning Steering Committee and consultant Utile. Careful planning today can lead to achievements tomorrow. Be sure to join in the conversation. Learn why a Master Plan is important, what the process to develop one looks like and how you can participate.
Small Increase in Mortgage Rates Has a Huge Negative Impact on Affording a Home
It’s not just rising home prices that are decreasing affordability in Andover. A small increase in mortgage rates significantly impacts what a home buyer can afford. See what happens when interest rates change just 2% from 5% to 7%, as they have done over the past six months.
Andover puts sustainable mixed use on the map!
Check out current images of the Historic Mill District and inspirational images from Minco Development. Read about some of the design elements anticipated as well as the critical affordable units planned.
Two new online tools help locate affordable homes
Check out the Housing Navigator Massachusetts and MyMassHome for online access tools to help connect people to available housing.
Take Action: Ask your state rep to co-sponsor affordable housing priorities
Contact your state rep today, July 12, 2022. Ask for their support of critical affordable housing amendments to H.5007.
Andover Affordable Condo Receives 18 Applications
Abbot’s Pond condo is only the 2nd affordable home without an age restriction that has come on the market in Andover in 2022. Consequently 18 applications were received and a housing lottery drawing was held. We need to keep creating affordable housing and welcoming a diversity of incomes to this great community.
ACT awarded $100,000 Cummings grant
ACT was one of 140 Massachusetts non-profits to receive a $100,000 Cummings Foundation grant!
Two Citations and a Celebration
Hear about the officials on hand and see images from our 30th Anniversary Celebration at Stott Circle
South Church: Building Affordable Housing in Their Neighborhood
Hear from South Church on how they became involved with ACT’s first duplexes, whose owners are now Church neighbors and meet the Holy Rollers.
Your Daughter, Your Colleague, Your Father, Your Friend All Need 40B
Chapter 40B is valuable for all Massachusetts residents. Through 40B not only are more affordable homes built, more homes for all of us are made available, so that we can house the folks who want to live and work in Massachusetts. Learn how.
Andover Women Celebrated
Denise joined other Andover women to share her ACT story at the Oak & Iron on Wednesday night.