Your donation allows us to advocate for and preserve housing affordability in Andover and welcome families to a strong, thriving community. Over half of our funding comes from individual donations from the citizens of Andover.
Gifts large and small are all appreciated. Andover Community Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to Andover Community Trust are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
Our Federal Tax ID is: 04-3159877
Suggest Land
One of the biggest challenges ACT faces is finding building sites. We look to acquire both conforming and non-conforming lots on which to build modest homes. If you have or know of a non-conforming lot or other empty parcel in Andover, please let us know.
You can make a difference. Andover Community Trust is managed by a volunteer board of directors and relies on the support of our community volunteers.
There are many ways to participate whether you want to volunteer on an ongoing basis or give a few hours here and there. We welcome a wide range of talents, from social media posting to helping at events to communicating with community members!
Contact Us
More equitable housing is possible. Contact us to learn more about our mission and work, or to become involved yourself.
(978) 276-9228
Two Dundee Park
Suite B02A
Andover, MA 01810