Empower Yourself Before Buying
Available Courses
Buying a home is a big step. Empower yourself with knowledge and resources to be successful throughout the process. Several local organizations offer homebuying courses to help you become homebuyer ready by helping you create the plan you need to find a home.
Mass Housing 10 Steps to Buying a Home
Mass Housing can guide you through the home buying process in this overview handout sharing the 10 steps to buying a home.
MVHP Homebuyer Training
The Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership (MVHP) focuses on home ownership education in the Merrimack Valley. Each seminar series consists of 10 hours of instruction and is conducted over four evening sessions.
CHAPA Homebuyer Courses
Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) is a nonprofit that encourages housing that is affordable to low and moderate income families and individuals. Their website shares a list of online homebuyer courses for both pre-purchases and post-purchases courses that are offered by agencies with a Seal of Approval certification from the Massachusetts Homeownership Collaborative. Some are free, some have a charge.