22 Andover Households Receive Mortgage and Rental Relief

As the days continued to shorten and the holiday lights came on by town hall, great news was shared with 22 Andover households. Each will receive money from Andover’s CARE funds towards their rent or mortgage. 

The temporary Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program was established by the town of Andover to provide income-eligible households with funds to pay overdue or future rent or mortgage costs. Assistance covers the cost of rent or mortgage for up to one month and up to a maximum of $5,000 for an eligible household.

As the pandemic and subsequent job losses have dragged on, many renters and homeowners have lost jobs. Consequently in those households a greater percentage of money coming in has gone to rent and the mortgage payments, leaving less for food, healthcare and education. As is often said in among nonprofits focused on affordable housing, the rent eats first. Single parent households have been particularly affected with loss of income due to necessary reduced hours because of family commitments. 

The 22 households who received CARES Act funding toward the rent or mortgage will get a small respite. However, as our executive director, Denise Johnson notes, it is really scary for these families whose savings have run out and need to figure out next steps without income coming in.

Applications are still be welcomed. The deadline is next week, December 15.

Hear more from Denise and the Rental and Mortgage Assistance program in the Eagle Tribune.


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