Kylee, GLTS Senior, Electrician

My  uncle is an electrician. When I was little he would babysit me and take me to work with him, so I got interested in the profession at a young age. I could help out around the house and figured, why not go to school to become an electrician.  There are so many different paths you can take within the field from technical troubleshooting to statistics and stuff to hands-on wiring on site; I definitely prefer working directly with the wiring. It’s easy once you get use to it.

Although it has been a lot to learn. There are different types of switches and different types of receptacles; you need to know if you need a GFCI. Now I feel very confident in my work. I just got a job offer from P&G. I interviewed with the boss lady and she said ‘you’ll fit right in here.’ I’ll be starting on a 3-month internship there as soon as I graduate. I’ll be troubleshooting the machines on the manufacturing floor whenever there are issues.

In the longer term I want to work for the local 103. That requires 5 more years of schooling while you’re working as an electrician. But I would be getting paid at the same time. That’s what I’m most looking forward to in a full-time job.

It’s cool that I’m a woman a man’s trade. I’m the only girl on the crew here right now and the team values my input.


Searlin, GLTS Junior, Carpenter


Delwin, GLTS Junior in Carpentry