Iverson, GLTS Junior in Plumbing

I knew I wanted to be a plumber, work hard and earn money as a stepping stone towards paying for college. I really like plumbing right now. Working with your hands is like working with building blocks and putting things together.

At the beginning I wasn’t too good at drilling holes. Now I can drill ten holes in a row with confidence. I could weld with my eyes closed—don’t worry I won’t! It’s also really cool how I know how everything in my house works. The stove, the gas, the bathroom fixtures, they all work because of plumbing. It’s crazy to think I know how that works. 

Working as a plumber I’ve learned how important plumbing is. I mean look what happened in south Lawrence with the gas explosions. If you don’t do your job right, people can get hurt. 

I like how our teacher really cares that we are learning from our mistakes. He gives us a little bit of freedom with the work and isn’t always on us. That’s a great way to learn. I’ve been learning about press fitting, which you need in tight spaces.

Remembering all of the codes is the hard part. Putting stuff together, that’s the easy part. Seeing everything finished is and knowing it all works—that’s the best. 


Jonathan, GLTS Senior, Carpentry


Yeribel, GLTS Junior in Carpentry