There are abundant resources for your own education, to share with others, to see models of other community land trusts in action. Here are a select few to get you started.
Andover Affordable Housing Inventory
The Town of Andover does an excellent job of sharing publicly available information on affordable housing in Andover on its town website. Along with a mapped list of affordable housing, you can find links for senior housing rental options and contact information for all affordable housing in town.
Andover’s Housing Production Plan
A Housing Production Plan (HPP) is a community's proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing. Andover’s most recent HPP covers 2018-2022. The plan includes strategy as well as demographic profile including population and household trends, environmental justice, local housing conditions including rental and ownership trends and occupancies, housing development considerations and housing goals and strategies. This is a good place to start to learn about housing in Andover.
Affordable Housing Panel
There is significant value in both economic and racial diversity to the entire community. A local panel of experts demystifies affordable housing and provides an update on Andover's affordable housing stock and opportunities for maintaining and growing affordable housing in the community.