Diversity Builds Stronger Communities
Come Find Out More.
View Available Homes.
Looking for an affordable apartment, condo or house in Andover? Check out our list of affordable homes and add your name to our email list to receive updates.
Learn About Housing Affordability.
Want to improve access to affordable housing in Andover and not sure where to start? We have lots of resources to bring you up-to-speed locally on the state of affordable housing in Andover and what needs to be done.
Donate Land.
One of our most limited supplies is buildable lots. If you have or know of a parcel of land in town that may be suitable for an ACT home, please let us know!
ACT was one of 140 Massachusetts non-profits to receive a $100,000 Cummings Foundation grant!
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“I want to live in an economically balanced community and believe that children who are raised in a more diverse community go out into the world with a better understanding of what the world looks like.”
— Susan Stott, Founder